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Seaweed Solutions

Seaweed Solutions was founded in 2009 with a vision of large-scale farming of seaweed in Europe. It was the first company in Norway to start seaweed farming. We have an international team of 10 experienced people within biology, engineering, and business.   With more than 10 years of   experience in developing a leading position in a global market we are uniquely positioned to unlock the true potential of seaweed..  We are now experiencing a sharp increase in demand for our seeds and seaweed for food, feed and biomaterials.  


Seaweed only needs sunlight and seawater to grow - no feed, fertilizer, fresh water or  land area needed. We are planting a forest in the sea with net positive impacts on the environment: It absorbs CO2 and nutrients, produces O2 and creates more life in the ocean by providing food and shelter for marine organisms.

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